Dangerous Dan


I Don't Get It.
This is actually an update to my previous post about Ann Coulter's column getting spiked by USA Today.  I said that after reading it I didn't blame them for doing so.  That still holds true in a general sense.  After looking over the comments their editor made, though, I do blame them for their specific reasons.  You can read the column with the comments here.  While it's understandable that a person may not find certain things Coulter says as being funny, one should be able to see why others might it find it humorous or at least be able to identify the sarcasm and irony.  The editor, however, doesn't possess this perceptive ability.  I can only imagine that he is so close to Coulter's targets, that he can't see the potential humor in her attacks.

I agree with me! Testing the comments.
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