by Dan Ewert : 7/28/2004 12:12:00 AM (Archive Link)
Cananda Likes Photography (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more)
I just saw this story on Drudge. Ummm... it's about strippers having to provide the Canadian government with photos spreads of them in the buff. Key line: "Immigration officers are having to pore through naked pictures of hundreds of exotic dancers to keep impostors out of Canada."
The possible comments and jokes one could make are nearly endless:
It's a tough job but somebody's got to do it.
The most sought-after job in Canadian government.
They need to be naked so we can make sure terrorists aren't trying to slip in weapons under their clothes.
The office in charge of reviewing the files is often locked. Upon knocking, you hear, "Just a minute!" followed by shuffling papers and a nervous looking man at the door.
Overtime? No problem!
Your tax dollars at work. And how!
Boss, I need to take some work home with me.
I can think of plenty more off-color things, but those are not for this venue.